Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bumper Sticker Philosophy

If I had to follow a philosophy that best fit with my life, it would be "Everything Happens for A Reason." I feel very strongly about that saying for many reasons. Mainly because at first I never understood it basically because things were happening in my life I could not begin to understand.

I had one of my best friends and his little sister taken away from me when they were killed in a car accident in 2006. I had friends and family telling me for months and months after the accident that everything happens for a reason. I still just could not fathom why this could ever be explained.

Then I had another friend about two years later be put into a coma for many months due to a car accident. Once again I never understood why this was happening. Then it hit me, and everything was happening for a reason. People were put on earth for certain reasons and are taken away when they have fullfilled there purpose.

Dustin and Courtney passing was a way to bring my friends, my family, and I all closer together. Because there for a while I was distant from my friends, and even my family.This tragedy brought everyone closer together, not just between the people we already were close to, but to others in the community as well. It's a real let down when I think that a tragedy of that magnitude had to happen to make everyone realize what is important.

I will always love him and his sister. I think about them everyday...


  1. This really put a new spin on my idea of "everything happens for a reason." It is great to think that, especially when it is extremely hard to, such as in your situation. Believing that there is a reason for all things, good or bad, is a great way to go through life. :)

  2. I have never thought of death in such a meaningful way before, but this all makes since and really makes life more meaningful.

  3. It is a good thing that you think about your friend and his sister everyday. They left a mark on you, which is part of you. Forgive me for possibly sounding rude, but the only time a person truly dies is when they are forgotten. They are alive in you.


  4. i like your message, its kinda like mine in a way. this was very meaningfull to me.

  5. I completely agree with you Ian. Dustin and Courtney passing was a terrible thing but it really brought everyone together.

  6. couldnt have been said better Ian brought our whole school together for that year.

  7. that was one upseting day at TJ and i do agree that it brought everyone together, even the people that didn't know them got close with those who did, great bumper sticker

  8. thats deep right there, well written too

  9. im sorry to hear about that. but i agree that everything does happen for a reason. fate is out of our hands. but sumthings that can be a good thing. =]

